Commercial Trucking Insurance

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What Type of Insurance Do you need for a Trucking business?

don't slack on your coverage

Contractor liability insurance can help protect your business when something unexpected occurs. This includes protection for your business’s assets and employees. Contractor liability coverage offers you peace of mind in that you’ll have coverage when your business faces a lawsuit or covered loss. This means it’s important to understand the best types of insurance coverage for contractors. The right coverage ensures you can protect your business and your employees.

Business Owner’s Policy for Contractors

Most contracting businesses have a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). They have this because it helps protect them in the same way a homeowner’s policy helps protect your home and personal possessions. By combining three basic coverages, a BOP can help save you money while safeguarding what you’ve worked hard to build.

Business Income Extension for Off-Premises Operations

Our business income insurance extension for off-premises operations may help replace lost income if you must suspend your operation. In some cases, business owners suspend their operation if property or equipment gets damaged on the job. For example, say an essential tool gets damaged at a job site. You may not be able to work until it’s replaced. This coverage from The Hartford may help replace the income your business loses while you are unable to operate.

Contractor Tools

The tools and equipment you use as a contractor are vital to your business. Imagine the impact on your business if the tools or equipment you use every day gets lost, damaged, or stolen. A range of coverage options available from The Hartford can help pay for the replacement or repair of all types. It doesn’t matter if they’re owned, borrowed, or leased tools and equipment.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Contracting businesses are vulnerable to employment practices liability claims. Current and former employees may take legal action against your contracting business. For example, say you end up facing costly legal fees when a former employee claimed your business wrongfully terminated him. The former employee claimed he got terminated even though a medical accommodation may have been made for a personal injury he received on the job. In this case, employment practices liability insurance can help cover legal expenses associated.

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Finding and adjusting insurance for your business shouldn’t be a hassle or a burden. You should feel confident in the process and the coverage you have to operate and successfully run your business. That’s what we offer. We’re here to help make a difference.

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