Commercial Auto Insurance

Protect Your Business from claims of Commercial auto damage

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What is Commercial Auto insurance?

Commercial Auto Insurance Protects Professional use of Vehicles

Commercial auto insurance is required when you are operating vehicles for your business in order for your vehicle to be coverage under business use. This will also protect people driving the vehicle with additional coverage to their own, which would likely not be applied if an accident occurred during business use.

What Commercial Auto Insurance Protect?

Commercial auto insurance protects vehicles used specifically for business as well as personal vehicles that are used for business purposes. It is important to have commercial auto insurance if you are using a vehicle for business purposes as personal coverage likely will not cover damage when used for commercial purposes.

What does Commercial Auto Insurance Cover?

Commercial Auto insurance will help protect you from:

Let's Save Your Business Some Money.

Get in touch with a commercial insurance agent who understands your type of business.

Tailor-Made Insurance Experience

Who Needs Commercial Auto Insurance?

Commercial auto coverage is one of the most common claims from small businesses. The cost of an unexpected claim if you or your staff or contractors are injured during use of a commercial vehicle can also include the other property, vehicle, and bystanders as well.

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